Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Friends, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was bestowed upon this ummah and entire universe as a blessing. He (SAW) wore the crown of Prophethood, and a status which no one before him has had and no one will. He travelled to Al Mai’rage (Ascension to the Heavens) on the fastest horse, the likes of which no Prophet had ever seen. He is the ultimate healer, with Allah’s blessings. You can find cure of any worldly disease in his teachings. His name is engraved on the “Loh-o-Qalam” (the slate and the pen of destiny), and he has been bestowed with the highest rank and status of Interceder (on our behalf). Indeed, He (SAW) is the master of the entire Arab and non-Arab world. His radiance is as pure as the holy Ka’aba. He (SAW) shines upon us like the morning sun which enlightens our dark and sinful path and leads us from darkness towards the straight path. His (SAW) blessed self cannot be compared with anyone in any way. He is the most beloved after Allah (SWT). His teachings are a source of enlightenment and guidance for the entire universe. His name is engraved in the Slate of Destiny (Loh o Qalam). Allah has bestowed him with the position of “Mahmood” (especially praised), and He can intercede for the entire Muslim umma. Allah has tasked Gabriel (AS) to assist Him. He ascended to the point of “Sidratul Muntaha” during the Mai’rage. His desire was nearness to Allah, and He has it. Allah made Him a guide and a comforter for poor people. He is the most beautiful personality created by Allah’s noor, peace and tranquillity of our hearts, distributor (of Allah’s mercy) and Rauf, Raheem and Kareem. Grandfather of Hassan (AS) and Hussain (AS) – the Lords of the youth of the Jannah. Beloved of the Owner of the East and the West alike. He is the last of the holy Prophets. Not just the humans and worldly creatures, even Allah (SWT) and the angels recite Durood on Him at all times.
Syed Ghulam Haider Shah Qalandari
Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan