If we look at the reality, the thinkers and sages of the world have given light to knowledge and have compared ignorance to darkness, and there is no doubt that the words that affect the hearts and minds of people. Those who change life are really life’s journey towards enlightenment and from Rumi to Latif, from Imam Ghazali to Saint Ghulam Haider Shah Qalandari Kazmi, this journey of knowledge and literature is continuing.
Sir Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandari has sometimes revealed the secrets of Sufism, spirituality and Qalandari secrets through his pen, and sometimes he has made people aware of their situation by exposing the apparent defects of the society and correcting and criticizing the society. People should improve themselves and their character by seeing their face in the mirror of the words written by the King.
Rumi Ji Otaq
It should be seen in this context that like all the previous writings of the saint, in this blog “Rumi Ji Otaq” there will be a thought message, leadership and guidance towards a reform movement.
As Murshid Shah Abdul Latif Sarkar has said,
The rest of the sand, where you are.
So this is the book of blood in which there is a light, a truth for the aching hearts and thinking minds. It is only necessary to read every word in this book with attention and truth, maybe we can bring some change in the society.
Altaf Malkani Qalandri