Friends. I tell you this great point again and again, it is the point of love for which I love you everywhere, wherever I get time, the time I meet you, it is the point of faithfulness.
This is the way of faithfulness, the way of faithfulness, the way that we have inherited, the child that is born from us, that is given to us. We have this jam of love, we have found it in our hearts and also in our souls.
Greed, deception, arrogance, pride, self-aggrandizement, self-aggrandizement, self-esteem, all these things have been removed from us by our beloved ones. It is the point of love, it is the point of loyalty.
It is very easy to talk, it is very easy to say, but it is difficult to walk on it, who walked, who taught us to walk, this walk was taught to us by Baba Saiyan Ahmed Ali Qureshi and his staunch believer, his lover Saiyan Muhammad Ali Qalandari. That loyalty should be done like this.
Friends! You see the world, before the world, behind the world, and walk in the world. You will know the world, it is better to have your own family blood than anyone in the world, you see them, Because man is unfaithful by nature, man and the world are not faithful to each other. The world is unfaithful in it, even human organs do not support themselves. No worldly power can support you, only those who support you will support you.
Friends. We have brought ourselves to one thing, It is to send Drood upon Muhammad (SAW), may God bless him and grant him peace.
Why do we do this?
This is the first step that a person makes a firm commitment to. The person who is thinking, the person who is mentally prepared to be faithful to Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. he realizes that I have to maintain my relationship with Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And I have to try to relate to my family, my friends, my neighbors.
Friends! This is a journey of loyalty. Our prayers are with you, May Allah bless you and may your worries be removed from the greatness of my beloved Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the greatness of these beings.
Syed Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandri
Kunri, Sindh, Pakitsan