The colors of the two colors of the world could not give relief, the real things were far away, but the virtual symbols also rolled, the cures for separations and pains were far away, but there were only groups of greedy and greedy thugs who sprinkled salt. And we saw their work on the road, watching and seeing love to make us happy inside, medicinal therapy and sightings are flowing with fortune, as if the rain is seasonal. There was only smoke, but coals were seen in the wooden place, the hosts advised to sit down, they added three more coals to the fire, the flames rose like hailstones. All the drunken passions are connected to the trees, the doors of the separation are broken, the idols of the majaz are brown and fall, the smoky heart is clean, the eye is open and the eye is surprised, there is nothing in the mind except the purpose of the Al-Darien, we saw again. They are drinking in the morning, that is, in a bowl, with tea on their lips, there is no bass, no smell, no news of the morning, no knowledge of the evening, no bitterness, no sweetness, vinegar on top of vinegar. To meet, sometimes to lose consciousness, sometimes to love for wisdom and knowledge, not to be afraid of time, I saw blood from a dagger, burning a mass of fire, burning shoes, thorn in the trunk, then they agreed, how pure Sufi in that arm, From me, they gave me a board in their hand, they made me study existence, I chose patience and silence with my weapon, that’s how the first lesson of the Rumi’s came to an end.
Rumi Ji Otaq

Syed Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandri
Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan

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