How to complete the lessons of layer, In this artificial time, it is easy to read and see Naj and Mamori Maam, but it is a difficult stage to understand without explaining. Answers should be given, how to learn the art of steering and vehicle tools, i.e. parts identification and repair, unless an expert sits in front of you.
Rumi Ji Otaq
Allah did not send Adam to the earth at once. First, make mistakes and then apologize and make amends, then the cycle of the earth then the whole process.
Allah has revealed the secrets of his universe in this way, the process of learning has been declared as necessary and mandatory, so take it from where you hear something good, learn something.
Rumi Ji Otaq
We passed by Rumi’s house, a poor man is sitting in front of him with a piece of wood. After polite respect and greetings, we salam to each other, the darvesh was looking at the trees, some of them had wings, some were young, some were old, That is burnt, a darvesh chooses wood from it. but does not leave the others, he gathers them together with his hand and places them in a circle. Then it was dried on the fire and the bark fell off cleanly, and then wood tools (Karai, Anbori, Screwdriver,) were used on it. (Porr, Polaar) takes it out and puts it aside, then it he takes out a small toothpick, then pierces it on one side and puts it on his lips and tries to make a sound. And he cries himself and he cries to me and says boy all these woods have to do this, how much can you help me with this? I bow my head and think that the work is great and it is by God’s will, soft and warm, fire and tools can be together, where there is a wooden device, there is a scream along with the smoke and the flames come out big in the fire.
Rumi Ji Otaq
Friends! This is how a murli is created in love, which is soft and sweet and has a sweet server, but along with the skill of the player, there is also deep love within it. If every human being becomes so gentle and dignified, how many peace will come in the society.
Syed Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandri
Kunri, Sindh Pakistan