The journey of humanity begins with the existence of the grandfather Adam and the destination begins to come into action after the evolution of the grain of wheat. If man had not appeared in the body of a man, an angel would not have been demonized. After that, a human being starts a journey towards humanity, on the other hand, Satan starts to spread Satanism. The journey of humanity with entry of the human.
(Rumi Ji Otaq

A journey is always a journey and a destination is always a journey in search of a destination. This is the way to go from the beginning to the end, this is how life is, from the lap of the mother to the black night of the grave, or the vastness of the sky, in waking or sleeping during the whole day and night, meaning that the journey has to be completed. The walk wins by reaching on the destination, so the journey of life in life, the house of the bride, i.e. in the married life, a person who is connected with the partner life, to be responsible in responsibility. Just as an unemployed person needs a job, i.e. coming to a job and performing duties and feeling that the job is a basket case, understanding the rules and laws of the time, getting a sense of restriction, traveling from one city to another city and from one country to another country. A journey on foot, in ancient times on camels and horses, now again on vehicles and ships, means a journey is a journey again. They say that by moving from one direction to another, one changes the climate and the other is to go to different places geographically, whether they are business or cultural trips, but the environment and the mind feel new. 

In this way, astrologers say that by traveling, the stars change, and the stars change their place in rotation, and there is a significant change in the life cycle. If the journey is joint and caravan-like with family and friends, it becomes easier to understand each other and it is important that the needs and hardships of the journey are always remembered as a souvenir and then told as a gift to the new generation. 

(Rumi Ji Otaq)
The journey of such spirituality for which Shah Abdul Latif said

I will travel with my feet, which means I will put full force on my feet
If my feet are did not walk
I will travel on my knees.

The journey should not be abandoned. If the journey is interrupted, then no one will be able to reach the destination. To move forward, you have to try with your heart, if your heart does not support you, then you should force on your elbow’s. In the same way, the head must be used, but even then do not accept defeat. Even if the destination is not reached, the journey has to be continued but not turn to back. So that those who come do not get disappointed, then this is the reason why the scientists continued their research in this field and achieved many goal.

The people of the world joined in the struggle for power, the businessmen in business, the spiritual people in spirituality means that without struggle, you can’t move towards the goal. A journey is the path between trial and success, so if one had sat at home and received the reward, then no one would have gone to the mosque, so is the journey of life, life is the last journey from the embrace of death, character is a weapon that makes all journeys good. If this is the case, fellow travelers will also be satisfied with your trip, friendships will grow, they will learn each other’s moral plus points, so society will grow in a positive direction. Travel becomes a lesson in training and arrangement. At home, people do not value time, but in travel, they have to value it, otherwise they are worried about leaving the ride and the companion. In this way, even after traveling together with rewards and sins in life, there remains a deep feeling that someone’s help will be more useful in the last journey of life.

Now maybe you will get hold of your missing item. After listening to the words of Mr. Darvish, I thought that the journey is necessary to reach the destination, so we took permission from Rumi’s room and started walking with the desire to attend the next day.

(Rumi Ji Otaq)
Syed Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandri
Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan

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