There is a special feature of the key, every person must search for the key to achieve any goal, where there are types of theft, there are also new models of keys an official for promotion or to get a good position, there must be a key, i.e. a recommendation, so as to reach that key a politician must be a ticket holder of a famous party or sit on a high seat of power in that party.The door behind the key will speed up the race as it is easily accessible, so to get all kinds of convenience and work, worldly or spiritual, the main way, i.e. searching for its way, means looking for and keeping the key.In this way, modern day thieves learn the art of making and making keys or approach these artists in both cases to make this work possible so that the theft can be made easy for gain. In this way, the imports also started to increase from financial sources to intellectual and criminal drug theft, as the key of criminals is the biggest company, whether it is friends or social media. Every good place has a bad place. It is nature to go along with good and evil. Now the big test of the watchman is how he can protect his owner’s belongings from these thieves, then they become the causes of all evils, from apparent wealth and wealth.Even if there are conspiracies to spread hatred and disorder and disturb the peace and order, where the thief is ready to import, the watchman should not be slow and lazy. But the watchman has been seen as more selfish than the thief, and the reason for this is to miscalculate the salary or enter into a bargain with the thieves for the sake of earning more. All the reasons can come as Satan and the self come in the guise of a person goes astray and then he falls prey to those tricks which are enough to disgrace him in this world as well as in the hereafter. Thus, the owners employ CCTV cameras and tracking devices to strengthen the watchmen and dog trainers to track them. But failure happens only when the solar pannel system fails or  when these hungry dogs are fed more food.
Dervish explained further and said, Friends, man is both a thief and a watchman. The thief for his Nafs and the watchman for his the soul. It is the devil who intervenes between the two. when the devil feeds too much of the soul’s food the man do sin. The light and solar system has been disabled in order to turn the theft into a reality. Behind all such thefts, there are evil plans and movements and reasons, when the peaceful and fearless people are in deep sleep, they think about What is the fear after the robbery?

Syed Ghulam Hyder Shah Qalandri
Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan

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