Our dear Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who is the beloved of this world but also beloved of Allah. All the Prophets who have come since Adam, peace be upon him, have come because of this being. All the nations that came before my beloved, peace be upon him, will also be forgiven. That it will be done by the hands of my beloved, peace be upon him. This is what my beloved, may God bless him and grant him peace, says, who sent blessings upon me even once, even if he is a sinner, a fornicator, an adulterer, a thief, whatever the deeds of this world may be in him. All of them will be forgiven by praying and repenting to my beloved (PBUH).
If there is a gathering of my beloved Karim (PBUH) that person recites durood on my beloved Karim (PBUH), even once, ten of his sins are forgiven at the same time, ten of his ranks are raised. He receives good deeds and an angel is born for him who prays for his forgiveness. Can you estimate the benefits of reciting Durood on the Beloved Karim (PBUH)? The Holy Prophet says, I was shown the field of Mahshar, where there is a sinful person whom the angels are taking to hell instead of heaven, so I tell them to stop. The angels say that sir, there is no good in his account and his account is closed, we are going to take him hell. Beloved Karim (PBUH) says that he once recited Durood on me in a gathering. The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, put a slip on the accounting scale, and the number of sins decreases and the number of rewards increases.
On that Day of Resurrection, where there will be a field of fate where a mother will be separated from her children, a brother will be separated from his brother, a son will be separated from his father. But at that time, our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will say, “Stop him, he has recited Durood on me once in some Milad celebration. I have kept safe that Durud.”
My friends, guess how many blessings are dear to my beloved Karim, may God bless him and grant him peace. One of the Companions came to my beloved, peace be upon him, and said, Sir, I have heard the hadiths and I have also heard the command of Allah. I want to do four parts of the twenty-four hours and in one part I should recite Drood Pak on you? The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, “It is still possible to extend those blessings.” The Companion said, Sir, from these four parts, if I make two parts and recite Durood on you? The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said to increase it even more. The Companions said, “Sir, if I read three parts? Then he himself told me to read even more.” So, sir, if I study for twenty-four hours, he said, then I am Muhammad Mustafa, peace be upon him, as your guarantor.
My friends, guess who has the love of Muhammad (PBUH) in his heart. Will he have any concern for this world? Resurrection is a distant story, but my beloved Karim, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is with us at every step of this world. My beloved Karim, may God bless him and grant him peace, says that the person closest to me in Hashr is the person who recites Durood on me with the maximum number of times. In our Qalandari system, the number of Drood Pak counting is more than three thousand. Not three hundred and thirteen numbers. We have numbers in the thousands. We have twenty-four hours of work with the Beloved. Recite Durood upon the beloved, peace and blessings be upon him. Go and beg people. Kiss people’s feet and hands. That they should recite Durood on their beloved Karim, may God bless him and grant him peace. A Muslim believer is one whose body does not harm anyone. May Allah bless on you and May Allah keep you settled.

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