In the world we live in, where virtuous characters are abundant, there is also a growing class of opportunists and manipulators. These cunning individuals have long thrived in every field, exploiting opportunities for their own gain. Their business and trade are simple and convenient. These sly individuals often roam with towels slung over their shoulders, scouting for lucrative opportunities. Their pastime involves lurking and scheming, much like scavenger birds preying on carcasses. They are always on the lookout for easy gains, wasting time while pretending to be busy.
In worldly affairs, where mutual care and warmth often prevail, arrogance and ego occasionally rise to sow chaos. When arrogance grows unchecked, trampling over ethics and dignity, it eventually spirals out of control. It often sets fire not just to one’s clothes but to their very skin. At this point, the onlookers, playing the role of mere spectators, step aside. They claim they are not involved, saying:
“This is a quarrel between the matchstick, the flame, and the burned clothing and skin. We are simply bystanders, not sinner.”
The arms of the brave in their place, but whose bodies and clothes are burned, what is their fault? Such contagious characters can’t hide and do not even bother to find them, then it will be too late, the time will come out and the applause and spectacle will end. Those who burn will continue to burn، But the good characters will definitely take the edge off if they get away from the slippery slopes. And they will never give up financial, practical, spiritual and social movement. They will continue to fight for better society and do good things without giving and receiving. They will build such reform organizations those who hide fake jealousy and hate guns in their armpits, they will be known.

Syed Ghulam Hyder SHah Qalandari
Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan

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